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With over 20 years of experience in Tax, Jovanah is now a Senior Tax Partner at Parker Russell, leading the Taxation Department of the Company. Prior to joining Parker Russell, Jovanah was supervisor at Moore Stephens Accounting & Tax Services.


She has successfully assisted and represented small to large size business clients at the Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA) and at the Assessment Review Committee (ARC) of Mauritius to discuss their tax cases and issues. During her 20-year career, Jovanah has also been carrying various tax audits of several clients in many sectors of the economy.


In addition to the above role, she also has the responsibility to train staffs in the department in all tax related matters, oversee clients’ files and activities and implement proper system at clients’ place of business.


Parker Russell -Taxation Services, under the leadership of Jovanah, has on several occasions been nominated as the ‘Best Tax Adviser Firm’ within Parker Russell International network.

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